Friday, July 26, 2013

Depressing week

I can't wait to travel in seven weeks. I love this Sailor Moon screen capture because it totally describes how I am whenever I travel. Haha, that is why I never lose weight. Hehe. A lot of things happened this week and it really brought me down. It is kind of hard to keep your head up sometimes, you feel me?!

Monday, July 8, 2013


I enjoy buying from Japanese ebay sellers because they tend to throw in lots of freebies. The seller even took the time to write down english instructions, even though it might be a "duuuhhh" thing, I still appreciate the time and effort spent on this. I am a sucker for miku hatsune!How was your July 4th yall?!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Random crap

by my sister

These pictures make me want to go on a vacation. I haven't been able to focus for various reasons. Sigh. Guys need to start using deodorant on hot summer days, goddamit.
 My ideal vacation spots include Bali and Maldives. The pictures online look so beautiful and exotic. I don't really get to see that kinda stuff here in the bay area, so it would be cool to travel there.