Sunday, February 22, 2015

Cooked today

 Rubbed onion powder with a little paprika and garlic salt onto the tilapia, then finished pineapple and apple on top.

 Made my kind of hawaiian pizza. I know it's not authentic, but whatever is healthy :)
 La pizza cooking sauce has a really light flavor to it which I love and that it has no sugar added is a plus.
 Diestel peppered roasted turkey breast also has a very light yet strong peppery taste to it. I will definitely repurchase in the future.
I ended up using this instead of dough, I need to get it crispy next time :P
 First finished product.. The basil makes it so much better!
Second try for my brother.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

 Saw the natural calm on sale, so I am going to give it a shot. I actually got the rescue pastilles because I LOVE black currant flavored things. HAHA... and I thought sure why not!?
 Skinny cow ice cream and chocolate are to die for! My guilty pleasure

 Will a cat really sleep in it?

I've always been afraid to talk about how I feel because it leaves me feeling vulnerable. I haven't been dealing with stress that well. SIGH, I know I know... negativity really kills, but sometimes I just can't help it. I want to cry while holding onto my cat or whatever is soft. T____T