Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Fitness tips from my exp

I figured I'd write an entry on fitness tips, since I do get questions on this topic here and there. I am not a professional trainer or nutritionist, but this is all based on my experience and from taking a nutrition class in college.

1.) Don't see going to the gym as a chore, or else you will less likely to go overtime. Try to enjoy exercising and make it a habit.
2.) Crash courses don't work in the long run. You have to make lifestyle changes if you want to maintain your shape
3.) Enjoy and have fun with being healthy
4.) Don't push yourself way too hard
5.) Cut out processed foods, but allow yourself to indulge on an item or two on your cheat day
6.) Set a cheat date! I have one each week
7.) Write down what you eat and what you do
8.) Set a goal and a realistic one
9.) Mix your exercise routine up and don't always just stay inside
10.) Research on what kind of foods you should eat in order to get closer to your goal
11.) Always read nutrition labels, you will be surprised by what you find
12.) Mix your meals up and try out new recipes
13.) Have fun have fun have fun with staying healthy
14.) Invite a friend to go to the gym with you
15.) Take photos of yourself and keep track
16.) I rarely drink, but when I do.. I limit myself to one straight shot or champagne. I avoid mixed drinks because of the sugar and syrup

That's all I can think of right now.