Saturday, January 12, 2019

MHW again

 This is for people who break out from wearing makeup for a long time. Itt's also good for acne scars.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

MOE CHRonicle waiting...


 From Atami 2018

 No makeup XD

 His cute little feet

This has been keeping my skin clear. I usually only get hormonal breakouts and they're so DAMN painful!!! My hormonal breakouts are usually deep and are in my chin area. This works if you take it consistently, well.. for me at least!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Mary Skelter PS Vita Review

 I was thinking wtf when I read this lol... lick the walls lol....
 The licking thing is real... haha.

 Poor people... being tortured like that. The story is more interesting than I thought.

 The little fan service they offer

This review will be short. This dungeon crawler is more interesting than I anticipated because of its eerie dungeon designs and out of the box story. You have to purify the girls' blood with Jack's blood and also lick blood off of other girls on the party. I know it sounds confusing right now, but this blood licking system caught my attention. Haha. The CG is pretty, but don't expect a whole lot of fan service. There is also a gifting system where you can improve your relationship with the girls. I also like the whole battle system because you can change job classes. You can't switch casually, since you've to at least have leveled the girls up by ten levels before you can change their base job class.