Edited by a fan, I don't own this photo.
Like most 90s girls, I grew up watching this on cartoon network and even had the VHS. The girls would do her signature pose and stuff, well yeah those were good memories. I was a HUGE fan, I had the artbook, games both on PS and Nintendo, manga, toys and merchandise. I have always been a huge SAILOR URANUS fan because I wanted to be strong like her. My parents worked a lot and weren't a huge part of my childhood, so these anime characters were my inspiration when I was a kid. My top inspiration from anime is Belldandy, she was always so kind and sweet. I really wanted to be like her as a person, I know... kids and their imagination (magical right?!). Kids love to fantasize and play make believes which is actually very beautiful and precious. Back to the topic, this year is the 20th anniversary for Sailor Moon. I have already bought a lot of the outer senshi merchandise and plush. However the newly created anime doesn't that great to me. I am sorry to pop your bubble, but I actually owned the manga and artbook and the anime DOESNT look like the original artwork That wasn't meant to come off as arrogant, but I have seen and read the original stuff growing up and I know what the original looks like. In the picture above, a fan edited the "new" sailor moon photo to make it look more like the original artwork. Yall see the difference? Bottom pic is from the NEW sailor moon series. Blah... why ruin a classic for me?! I am not going to watch it, sorry... I love sailor moon for the ditzy and cute facial expressions. The new sailor moon looks like a blow up doll.

Okay.. that was enough venting.