Sunday, September 14, 2014

2014 is coming to an end in a few months..

This is already half way through September, so I decided to make plans for OCT + NOV + DEC. Well.. that's only 3 more months. My birthday is on October 3rd and there's HALLOWEEN.

As much as I hate to fly, I do realize I am more energized and refreshed after going to Japan. I am probably going again in late Nov or Dec for some therapy. Hahaha. I want to visit some places outside of Tokyo and I think my friends in Japan will help me with that. :)

I have a light fever now and I just put some chest rub or something on myself. T___T

November.. it's thanksgiving and a month to appreciate all the good things that have happened to me this year!

I truly enjoy celebrating for every single little occasion! ^____^ v My cat is always dressed for it too. Haha..

What should I be for Halloween? I get so excited to celebrate! I have lost their excitement recently due to some health issues. I want to be a happy girl and stay positive!!!!!

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