Sunday, November 30, 2014

M4 finally mine!

 I love that it shows the speed limit and my speed
 Cool M performance suspension features
 My old car 335i on the left and my new car M4 on the right. Well, it's my mom's car now. :D
 M logo lights up
 Free jacket with purchase

 Always tedious at the dealer
My first time in my car.. it felt great!
 Fully loaded baby.

Enough of it.. Haha! I love my new ride.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Late thanksgiving meal

 Cute weights LOL
 My thanksgiving dinner the day after thanksgiving.
 Playing with kids takes up a lot of energy
 I can't wait to try this.
 Yummy popsicles.

Friday, November 28, 2014

i need more trophies XD

Happy thanksgiving

 My first time seeing her swim! Omg, it was good exercise for her!

 Warriors outfit.
 Aww.. her winter outfit! =)
 She is so cute.
 I've always loved these growing up
Unfortunately I didn't get to spend it with my family, but it's okay. I am thankful for the little things in my life. Thanks, especially people who truly care and love me. Haha, I spent it with my cat Bor bor!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Cats and XMAS!

 A cat photo I saw online
 Cooked while listening to christmas songs. What a beautiful day I thought...
 I want!!! I enjoy going to Target and just looking at random things.

 Hot chocolate, but no marshmallows?!

 A little bug on my salad T_T

 So perverted. I am almost done with this game.
 Christmas for little BOR.