Thursday, April 30, 2015

I have been watching an idiot abroad on netflix and what this guy Karl says cracks me up. Maybe I am just easily entertained, but everything Rick cracks up after hearing his awful experiences it makes me laugh too. It is quite funny from my perspective especially the first few episodes. LOL.. it is like watching those funny comment gaming videos, but for a travel video. What makes it funny for me is that Rick constantly tells him he is not on vacation and that he is "working". Rick tells Karl that over 5 x during the show. HAHAHAHA.
 Haha.. I want a white or pink PS 4!
 I love gyoza
 The left is blue fin tuna otoro and it literally melted in my mouth. I tried hotaru squid for the first time and loved it.
 Pork belly dish

 I have never cooked a halibut before lol and its pricey!
 This was so good T____T
Bihada ichizoku mask is really moisturizing, but on the pricey side compared to most drug store masks. I got them from my japan trip.
 Made salmon today

 Miso ramen
Green tea panna cotta

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Recent baked goods..

 Bread some chicken and baked it. SO GOOD!
 Japanese cheese cake

Baking slime

 My initial slime.. before put into the oven.
 But wait....... IT IS NOT BLUE! It didn't sit well with me that it wasn't blue, so I mixed a new batch of dough with blue food coloring. I bought food coloring while back because I wanted to make a GREEN sandwich and cake for someone AHEM. LMAO.
 Bor bor was waiting in front of the oven with me. I decided to sit in front of it, since I am a newbie baker!
 BOR BOR IS SO SMART OMG... she is monitoring the little slimes

 She is the cutest!

 Waiting for bread to cool down before decorating

 Cut strawberries into the shape of its mouth
 I shaped the eyes with this little knife. I used icing and that thing isn't as easy to control lol.. The black part is grape skin.
My 5th time... of Japanese Shoku bread. Guess how many times I had to try in order to get the right texture?! 6 times. I didn't want to give up until I got it. Haha.

 TSUM TSUM is addicting.
 Yum.. I love this and peppered Turkey Jerky!!!!!!

My first time baking it and it was all cracked because there was too much flour.
The 3rd or 4th batch. T___T Still cracks and not fluffy enough
Last batch and viola.. It's great!