Sunday, April 26, 2015

Baking slime

 My initial slime.. before put into the oven.
 But wait....... IT IS NOT BLUE! It didn't sit well with me that it wasn't blue, so I mixed a new batch of dough with blue food coloring. I bought food coloring while back because I wanted to make a GREEN sandwich and cake for someone AHEM. LMAO.
 Bor bor was waiting in front of the oven with me. I decided to sit in front of it, since I am a newbie baker!
 BOR BOR IS SO SMART OMG... she is monitoring the little slimes

 She is the cutest!

 Waiting for bread to cool down before decorating

 Cut strawberries into the shape of its mouth
 I shaped the eyes with this little knife. I used icing and that thing isn't as easy to control lol.. The black part is grape skin.

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