Saturday, March 16, 2019


 Trying to be more fit and lose a few lbs.

 Some of my fav JERKY! EPIC! I normally grab these or whole foods brand jerky. The flavor is not as intense as PERKY JERKY, but I like it that way.
Perky Jerky had a lot of flavors but too much sodium. I didn't LOVE it or like it. 

I think dieting is not about starving yourself completely. It is a combination of..
1.) Preparing well portioned meals
2.) Balanced diet based on your needs
3.) Suppress your cravings with healthier options (For example, I will eat a few blueberries if I want something sweet)
4.) Maintaining your healthy life style and it is a change you make for the rest of your life
5.) Renewing your goal and setting realistic goal
6.) Exercising is a must whether it is light or high intensity cardio and weights
7.) Read "correct" information on nutritional value and food from CITED sources
8.) Love yourself and be proud of yourself for every step you take to become healthier

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