Monday, May 27, 2019

Goodbye Pink Hair

It was fun while I had it, but maintaining the pink hair was a bitch! My active lifestyle made it super difficult to maintain that freshly dyed pink. Apparently you shouldn't wash your hair daily, but I have to especially if I sweat from my workout. I just cannot NOT wash my hair lol.. I have to wash it once a day or else it feels really gross to me.Nope dry shampoo didn't do the trick for me.

Reasons why I DIDN'T KEEP my pink hair:

1.) Pink colored shampoo and conditioner that required EXTRA time and EXTRA WATER to rinse out. I was in the shower an extra 20 minutes because I had to let the shampoo sit for 5 minutes and rinse out. After that, I had to towel dry my hair with a towel and put in conditioner that needed to sit for 5 - 10 minutes. Oh my lord... I am so impatient and I did that daily when I had pink hair. It was too much work and a waste of water. I washed my hair daily... x_x
2.) I also had to apply conditioner on my dry hair for 30 minutes once a week to maintain the color. Annoying...
3.) Washed hair with cooler water, but I love hot showers *Guilty*
4.) Worrying about the brassiness and using purple shampoo to battle it. EXTRA WORK AGAIN.
5.) Worry about staining my towels and clothes
6.) Expensive

Do I miss my pink hair? Sure.. for photos I guess. It's something completely different and out of my comfort zone. However, a bit too much work for my active lifestyle.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Random Things From Japan Part 2

 This would sell more 12 dollars in the bay area, but this is only close to 4 bucks USD. It tasted very delicious too btw.

 Trump happened to be next to American soft cookies

 Everything is cheaper in the countryside. Cheaper than TOKYO even...

Fruits Vinegar in JAPAN

 This was so damn delicious....... house made sorbet too.

 I decided to give their house made vinegar a try after reading the health effects! I felt so refreshed after... and fell in love! I bought a bottle back home! I should've bought more LOL.
 That guy is the owner! He cooked all the food and it was so delicious!
 Black sesame sauce on top. It was so good with the kinako ice cream and mame.


Random Things From Japan Part 1

 They changed products for business class lol.... It used to be some other natural brand. Haneda gets the OLDER plane while Narita gets the newer where you are in a space completely.