Monday, May 27, 2019

Goodbye Pink Hair

It was fun while I had it, but maintaining the pink hair was a bitch! My active lifestyle made it super difficult to maintain that freshly dyed pink. Apparently you shouldn't wash your hair daily, but I have to especially if I sweat from my workout. I just cannot NOT wash my hair lol.. I have to wash it once a day or else it feels really gross to me.Nope dry shampoo didn't do the trick for me.

Reasons why I DIDN'T KEEP my pink hair:

1.) Pink colored shampoo and conditioner that required EXTRA time and EXTRA WATER to rinse out. I was in the shower an extra 20 minutes because I had to let the shampoo sit for 5 minutes and rinse out. After that, I had to towel dry my hair with a towel and put in conditioner that needed to sit for 5 - 10 minutes. Oh my lord... I am so impatient and I did that daily when I had pink hair. It was too much work and a waste of water. I washed my hair daily... x_x
2.) I also had to apply conditioner on my dry hair for 30 minutes once a week to maintain the color. Annoying...
3.) Washed hair with cooler water, but I love hot showers *Guilty*
4.) Worrying about the brassiness and using purple shampoo to battle it. EXTRA WORK AGAIN.
5.) Worry about staining my towels and clothes
6.) Expensive

Do I miss my pink hair? Sure.. for photos I guess. It's something completely different and out of my comfort zone. However, a bit too much work for my active lifestyle.

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