Sunday, February 21, 2021

2day post surgery

I’ve been experiencing foot pain on my left foot on and off for the last 8 years due to bunion. I’ve tried all the things that are supposed to help before turning to surgery. I finally mustered up the courage to fix my foot because I haven’t been able to run as long with this foot pain. My doctor told me I’ve hypermobility in my left foot, and the lapidus procedure was the recommended method. “The Lapidus procedure is a surgical procedure used to treat a bunion deformity, also known as hallux valgus. It involves fusing the joint between the first metatarsal bone and one of the small bones in your midfoot called the medial cuneiform. Surgery includes removing the cartilage surfaces from both bones, correcting the angular deformity, then placing hardware (screws and often a small plate) to allow the two bones to grow together, or fuse.” - I now have 3 screws in my foot and fresh out of surgery. I was definitely frightened especially after reading comments on how painful it is. It is painful, but not unbearable with painkiller so far. I live alone, so I’ve bought chairs and a knee scooter to get around my little home. My cat has been cheering me on with his little meows lol. The recovery time for this surgery is very long. I’ve to be off my foot for a good 8 weeks. I’ll keep you guys posted. Lastly, thanks for the kind messages. On the positive note, I’m training my upper body strength and balancing every time I use my crutches. 

He is such a sweet cat

 The knee scooter definitely makes moving around home a lot easier.

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