Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Food photos and cat cookie jar

 I am hoping to improve my cooking skills! I like to cook for myself, since I can control what gets added into each dish. :D
 Thanks for swinging by Max and the early birthday celebration. Have fun in Japan!

 I am eating a pumpkin melon pan!
 More cooking photos

 When I ate out with Jade at a Korean restaurant.

 Who doesn't like Fuchiko?

 Jade's. I liked the potatoes

birthday preparations

 I made her a hat! :)

Monday, September 28, 2015

Thanks Crystal

 Thanks Crystal for the coolest souvenir!
 Testing out new camera and it seems good so far!
Unfortunately I don't get to try the tsum moon cake because it's not allowed to be brought back to the US! I will put my precious in this box! XD
Curious cat lol

Sunday, September 27, 2015

House Kombucha jasmine green review and Steph Tsum

Cooked dinner. Brown rice is the type of rice I usually eat.
 My sister drew me in tsum style!!! Bor bor with my other cat Nono!
House KOMBUCHA~ Jasmine Green tastes like champagne. The vinegary taste from Kombucha isn't that noticeable compared to other brands I have tried. :P
With my BFF Sam in tsum style!

Laptop fix

My vaio z series laptop hinge broke, so I dropped it off for repair. Z series was discontinued a few years ago, so hopefully it won't take too long for the repair. I am on my mac book pro which I haven't used in awhile. I suppose being on the mac isn't so bad after all, I want to reformat it, so it'll be a slightly quicker! The resolution seems slightly better and sharper on the mac, but maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me. Sadly I don't have any pictures on this laptop, so I will just type for now. Haha. Man... it's already October next week!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Sakura tsum

 This card captor tsum pic was sent to me
I don't live with my parents, but my parents' home apparently became a homeless shelter.

I am not a hoarder, but I was looking at my pillow cases and thought I should donate them because I wanted to buy new ones to replace them. I got them 4 years ago, but I suddenly changed my mind and didn't want to get rid of them. It would seem a waste to buy new ones to replace them just because I wanted something fresh and new. However, I AM donating them. Well.. I ended up not buying new cases and kept the old ones instead. >___<


 I have been going every week. It's been making me feel really good.
 I bough Nature's Path Pumpkin Spice granola bars and enjoyed it. The pumpkin spice flavor is not too overwhelming, but I wish it was less sweet.
 Cheese bagel
 Tsums are taking over the world. Hahah

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Selfie overload

I started to watch Japanese drama last nighth for the first time after 15 years. LOL, it was nice and brought back a lot of memories. It made me miss Japan and want to dress all cutesy like every girl in the drama! :D Dressing up is so much fun!

 I don't normally drink coffee, but vietnamese coffee sounded good. Haha, but I didn't get it!


 For my dear Bor Bor....

 I don't know why, but I like lavender flavored things. Haha.. peach and lavender. Yum!