Friday, December 14, 2018

Japan Day 2 Part 2

 The xmas special crepes looked so delicious... how could you not gain weight fro living here?
 Only 100 plus tax for it. Isn't this cool? It's to make a fluffy pancake. Japan has a lot of interesting things to buy

 New spot in SHIBUYA
 I think Sanji and his sister. Haha..

 He is SO cool and JOSEPH JOESTAR's young voice actor

 The log is  NOT edible and the green moss stuff is a chiffon cake. The egg was salty and the nest was EDIBLE.

 So delicious. The presentation was so FUN and creative for every dish
 So delicious
 Don't let the looks deceive you! It was so delicious too! HAHAHA
 To cleanse your palette
 This pie was delicious also haha.

 So full and cute cream puff

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