Monday, June 17, 2019

JUN 2019

Life is always slower in the bay area compared to bigger cities like Tokyo and Hong Kong. I do like the slower paced life because I can actually give myself more time. A lot of times whenever I am in Japan or Hong Kong, time seems to fly by and I just don't seem to have enough time to squeeze in things I want to do. That's probably because I am not from there and I want to explore as many things as possible. Haha... I mean I have not stayed in a hotel this year for those countries, but I just find myself feeling more mentally drained at times. I usually wake up really early to run my errands and return home around 6 - 8PM. I stayed in for the first time in JAPAN on a weekend because I didn't want to deal with the crowd. I just got conbini food and just cooked at the apartment. It was relaxing and I enjoyed Japanese TV. It feels nice to take a break from traveling and working oversea, although I do feel fortunate that I can do many things and travel. My body has been working so hard for me! THANK YOU! I need to take better care of myself.

18 international flights *back and forth* in 4 months... I don't know how I did it LMAO.

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