Friday, March 13, 2020


 They look so beautiful!

 I will need this someday hahaha..

 It smelled so fruity and I liked it!

 Natural truffle flavoring, I put that back after seeing it lol

 I actually love pistachios but they are so high in calories. I can't just eat a handful of them lol

 Yikes no toilet paper

Comparing labels. Of course I went with the lower sugar one lol

 Ripvan waffles were actually tasty. I think I'd like to buy more in the future for as a little snack

 Yummy.. I love pumpkin spice, but this box is too large! lol. I can't finish all this on my own

 This didn't taste bad for a "healthy" cookie. Lol... that's my feedback lol

 Bread bread bread
 Yup... my fav cookie! Haha.. high in calories. That's like almost worth a meal's limit for me.

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