Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Rest In Peace And Some Random Crap

 Rest in peace my dear Happy, I was able to see her a few days before she passed away. She licked me as soon as I opened the door, I have had this sweetheart for three years, so I was quite traumatized when I received a text on her decease. Sigh, I would give her treats all the time and she would carry it back to her little crate. I was there when Mimi gave birth to her and Taco. My dear happy... Sorry Mama was not there to help.
 Lucy's farewell party. Fun fun and fun. She should be in Korea by now.
 I have been wanting a Cup No FUCHIKO. It would be fun to place them in my foodie pics. Haha, they are so fricking cute.
I decided to give the L'oreal power moisture rush mask a shot after seeing the price tag of the Keratase's MASQUE NUTRI-THERMIQUE. FRICKING $62 USD, god damn! The Keratase mask is my Holy Grail, but ugh... just not now!!! The L'oreal mask smells hella good, but does not do a decent job at making my hair feel moisturized. It was dirt cheap though compared to Keratase. -__-;; There is a lot of product in the L'oreal jar, so I guess you do get your money's worth. I believe this mask cost me $5.99 USD.
A shot of myself... A lot of people like this head band and this is the head band from Kiki's Delivery Service. Miyazaki has came out with another animation, I am dying to watch it.
I got a blood test today and yes.. I almost fainted after seeing the needles.

I was given the opportunity to do a few acts of kindness today. On my way out after my blood test, I saw a girl crying,  I took a few steps forward and stopped, then handed her tissue and made sure she was okay. The second incident was I saw a lady with her driver door half closed, so I caught up to her car, honked and yelled it out to her. I had fun doing so. Haha. I am NOT trying to brag or whatsoever, but you never know what impact you'd make on someone else's life. For example, what if the lady's door swung open and injured someone? What ifs.... the list goes on. I guess my point is to encourage you all to perform random act of kindness whenever possible. Hehehehehehe. ^_^

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