Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Life in Japan

My lifestyle in Japan is always so healthy and disciplined. I woke up at 8:30AM to get ready to leave for a nail appointment at 10:00. I left my hotel by 9:20-9:25AM. It is important to be early to your appointments in Japan. I swung by fam mart and picked up my FAV morning drink (MILK). I always drink milk in Japan during breakfast, it's a habit; however, I rarely drink milk in the US. I picked up milk and a little snack, then started to walk to Harajuku. It was a short 20 minute walk, I enjoy walking everywhere in Asia, since I don't get to go to the gym like I do in the US.

Some buildings I passed by... I was blasting some of my fav hip hop songs during this walk. Sorry ear drums.
 I'd never be able to get these type of designs in the US and not for 45 to 50 bucks LOL.
 It only took them 25 mins to finish my pedicure and it looked so cute. I got hot pink with leopard print design with a few rhinestones for my feet.
I swung by a nearby pet shop after, then went shopping.

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