Sunday, August 21, 2016

Started hypertagmension

 I have sensitive ears, so I can't just wear any kind of earrings. It may sound snobby, but usually higher quality metal is fine. My mom only bought me earrings made of gold or silver when I was a kid for this reason.

 Asian box., it tasted a bit salty this time.

 Smarties.. Oh memories! Haha..

 My mom used to have rolls of these in my room LOL she loves "Digestives" by McVitie's.
 Man.. I haven't gone to these tea places in years, since I don't like to drink sugary drinks. I got unsweetned tea with grass jelly only hhaa.
 I ALWAYS get the same things for this place. :P

 Funky tag, so I had to snap a shot.

 WTF, witcher 3 has nudity. I didn't even know that until NOW! -____-;;; Japanese games need to stop censoring. :P

 Cats heal my soul. I seriously developed a habit of looking at cat pics daily. THEY are so cute and fluffy.

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