Friday, October 28, 2016

Travel Flu

I guess flying and traveling take a pretty huge toll on my body because I got sick on the 3rd or 4th day of my trip! I wasn't feeling exactly COLD like everyone else in Japan, and I would hear them say, "ISN'T IT COLD?!" etc in Japanese whenever they saw me. I was wearing a tank top and they were wearing layers of clothes. I mean I REALLY wasn't cold, I was sweating LIKE CRAZY when I was wearing a tank top! O_o;;; I've also noticed that the Japanese med is more mild than the American ones. I have always liked Japanese med more for this reason, but I needed that severe dayquil shit and I knew it. Lol.. I was so sick that I lost my voice COMPLETELY by the end of my trip! On the 4th day, I went back to my hotel by 6 PM and went to sleep by 7 PM. I was sweating like crazy under my blanket and felt so weak. I am sure it wasn't the weather that got me sick, but from being in public constantly with people from all around the world. I should've known better! I AM SO WEARING A FLU MASK 24/7 next time. Being jet lagged probably weakened my immune system as well. I am still feeling SICK, but thanks for being there!!!!! My dear Jade!
What I looked like after being sick! 80% of the people who heard my voice could tell I was sick and told me to take care in this cold Tokyo weather and a bunch of comforting Japanese terms. Lol, it was so kind of them!

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