Sunday, November 20, 2016

Train to busan review.

I watched "Train To Busan" last night, and I thought it was good for an asian zombie film. I have always been a fan of zombie films and games thanks to George A Romero and Resident Evil. I have seen almost every single one of George Romero's zombie films. "Train To Busan" is probably one of the first more well made zombie films from Asia. I was not as impressed as most people were from the internet, but I did not think it was bad. I think it is because I have seen a lot of zombie films and might have became numb to the standard formula. The movie was well made, and how the main character had a change of heart thanks to the survivors around him. In conclusion, it was worth watching if you're a die hard zombie fan or simply a fan of korean movies.

I lured a cat out just from making "meow" sounds. Strange isn't it? Look at the paw prints lol.

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