Thursday, April 6, 2017

Plans 2017

Uni has been such a good boy aside from scratching me occasionally ONLY when he freaks out lol. He gets startled so easily.. poor little boy.

I wonder if this will even help. My brother doesn't think so because the amount of probiotic is so low.

He LOVES dairy. -_____-;;; NO NO NO... he will have a diarrhea.

You are so cute Uni. Mama is so in love with you. It was seriously love at first sight. I seriously want to get platinum for One Piece unlimited red, but it will be a bitch to get it. I have wasted 72 hours on it already, but I am only at 72% for my trophies. 

I have so much planned out for myself this year! 

- Lose 2 - 4 lbs
- Clean up second floor
- Organize drawers

Some time in 2017
- Bor Bor memento
- Travel
- Try kick boxing or something new
- Take a cooking class
- Rent a bike 

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