Friday, June 2, 2017

Grandma HK

 Yoga always...
 Warm foods from Whole Foods and oysters...
 YUMMY, but the coffee flavor isn't strong. The texture is quite creamy.
 Uni finally loves me more than food!

 Waiting for this game!

I've always seen my mom's side a lot more than my dad's growing up even though my dad's side lives in the US. I hated being around my grandma for her strict Chinese customs. I didn't understand it at all, and didn't get why she would yell at me over trivial issues. I remember taking coins from her "coin bowl" for ice cream with my brother, then she flipped out when she found out. Lol............... carrying groceries for her from Welcome back home was a must. Those were the good old summer days in Hong Kong. I always cried every time I had to say my goodbye and fly back to the US. It is sad to say this, but I'll have to say my goodbye to you soon. I will not forget the valuable Chinese lessons from you. Wait for me... I'm coming to you next week

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