Thursday, October 25, 2018

One Piece Store Haul

It's the shibuya store's 6th anniversary and if you spend over 3500 yen.. you will get a mugi mugi bag! Hahah.. I couldn't pass up on that. Katakuri is my new crush! es I am a huge One Piece fan and I love Ace. Haha, Katakuri is so adorable. 🍩 I love Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Law almost equally. Hahaa.... 😌
Thanks for throwing in extra goodies for me!
The packaging is always so cutesy... haha. TIROL chocolate, but nothing too special in the middle.
This candy says it'll change your tongue's color lol... evil minion?
The female version didn't impress me as much as the male version lol

Save the best for the last? ACE... my fav!

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