Thursday, December 31, 2015

Valkyrie Drive HELP needed.

No enemies spawn there > . <

A twist and turn

Due to some recent incident, I have came to realize that I actually don't like kids as much as I thought. I mean I don't dislike kids, and I think kids are cute. However, I can't deal with talkative and hyper kids. Yeah yeah... kids are like that, and thankfully I don't plan to have a kid any time soon. I am sure I am not ready for one any time soon. The crying and yelling bother me, so I can't imagine having to deal with it 24/7. I know myself well enough to know I won't want one unless I can get over that. Haha.. I am not really a patient person! I'd get so stressed out, maybe I won't ever be ready for a kid ever and I won't have one if that's the case. Who knows what will happen in the future?! :P
I got a bunch of things to prepare for new years eve and I JUST baked a chocolate cake. HAHAHA. :P

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


 This old lady behind me just put her crap next to my stuff without using the divider, so our things clashed. I mean it's not a big deal, but she was super rude about it. She didn't apologize or bother putting a divider in between our things. I had to put the divider there myself, and she didn't say thank you or anything. Jesus... I hate rude ass people!!! It's one of my pet peeves. Like she was not disabled or anything obviously. I want to use the MAD FACE EMOJI HERE!
 What I cooked or made tonight...

Star Wars... The Awakening

 I was invited to watch Star Wars and I went in not knowing ANYTHING about it. Haha.. my parents have rented this movie when I was a kid, but I never stayed awake during the movie. :P I really enjoyed the movie!!!!!!!!  I am in love with BB8!
 So wasteful to not eat the edges.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Stress and fuchiko

 I don't like it whenever my parents treat me like a tool, well.. obviously no one does. I would be more willing to do whatever for them if they were appreciative and genuine. However, I am often being treated like crap and not even a thank you. I don't understand, I guess I never will! I have to focus on the positive things in life and move on. Honestly I didn't even feel like spending Christmas with them for various reasons. Their actions have made me more independent. It's been 4 years ever since I have moved out of their home and I am proud of myself. :)

 You've been a really bad girl Ms. Bor Bor!

 THANKS!!!! ^___^ Let's bake together!!

 My addiction

Cat whiskers

I see 4 Bor Bors in this photo. :D 

I tried watching "Is the Order a Rabbit?", but I turned it off after fifteen minutes! It was too cutesy for my taste, but I think the characters have been really popular.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Fat ass

I am so full right now. Jesus...the holiday season is just an excuse for people like me to eat nonstop.! T__T I don't eat a lot of rice for my normal diet (sushi is the only exception), but I eat a lot of bread. That's not good for me... haha, but my fat ass can't stop myself!

It has been so cold and the fricking heater has been drying out my skin. -______- San Francisco is warmer than where I am living.. the fuck?!

Time to watch tv. Bye bye.

Saturday, December 26, 2015