Thursday, December 31, 2015

A twist and turn

Due to some recent incident, I have came to realize that I actually don't like kids as much as I thought. I mean I don't dislike kids, and I think kids are cute. However, I can't deal with talkative and hyper kids. Yeah yeah... kids are like that, and thankfully I don't plan to have a kid any time soon. I am sure I am not ready for one any time soon. The crying and yelling bother me, so I can't imagine having to deal with it 24/7. I know myself well enough to know I won't want one unless I can get over that. Haha.. I am not really a patient person! I'd get so stressed out, maybe I won't ever be ready for a kid ever and I won't have one if that's the case. Who knows what will happen in the future?! :P
I got a bunch of things to prepare for new years eve and I JUST baked a chocolate cake. HAHAHA. :P

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