Sunday, May 22, 2016

Blah.. ate too much

 Damn you for tempting me with fried chicken! I haven't had fried chicken in over 7 years. I just don't eat fried food because it makes me feel gross after.

 I didn't even add oil.. Just salt and pepper!
Look at how juicy and fatty it is without oil
 Nono is cute, but super feisty

 They forgot to add an extra piece for my to go order.

 I love being able to buy sample sizes when it comes to hair and skin products. I hate buying an entire bottle and to find out it dries my hair out or isn't what I am looking for. I usually end up wasting it and I hate being wasteful! Diane botanical shampoo moist felt so good and smelled so good. I will buy a full size if I ever see it.

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