Saturday, May 21, 2016

アリナミン A Review Arinamin A

Fukada Kyoko (深田 恭子) is the current spokesperson for this, but that's not the reason why I picked one up when I was in Japan. I did watch "Friends" when I was a kid haha. The main ingredient in this is Vitamin B1 and this is supposed to help with grogginess. You know that feeling when your body feels super heavy and exhausted. I tried to translate as much as possible from the website, but I am not good with the chemical terms. I have tried this twice when I didn't feel like getting out of bed because my body felt " heavy". It seemed to work, but it left my mouth with this somewhat weird after taste. I brushed my teeth a few times and even used listertine, but the weird taste in my mouth didn't go away. I don't exactly like that weird after taste, but I think this is a good product to check out if you're not a morning person.

I found a site that had some translated information: 

  • " ALINAMIN A contains fursultiamine, a vitamin B1 derivative developed by Takeda, and is remarkably effective in relieving fatigue or alleviating the sense of feeling languid or heavy in everyday life.
  • In addition to containing fursultiamine, vitamin B2 and vitamin B6, this medicine contains calcium pantothenate, which becomes coenzyme A and plays an important role in the production of energy. These ingredients are remarkably effective in relieving fatigue by helping to effectively change the three major nutrients (fat, protein, carbohydrates) to energy.
  • This medicine is a yellow, sugarcoated tablet, which is easy to swallow. 
  1. Supply of vitamin B1 in the following cases:
    • Physical fatigue, during pregnancy or lactation, and loss of strength during or after illness.
  2. Relief of the following symptoms:
    • Muscular pain or joint pains (lower back pain, stiff shoulders, frozen shoulder, etc.), neuralgia, numbness of the extremities, constipation, and eye fatigue.
  3. Beriberi
If the symptoms described in points 2 and 3 do not improve after using this medicine for one month, consult your physician or pharmacist."

 Source for the information above:


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