Friday, March 31, 2017

Insomnia strikes again

My mood totally.

He got scratched by Smokey. I gave this a shot and had patience, but I really don't think it will work out.

Onechanbara Z is a little below average, but it's nothing something I'd buy at full price. I got it on sale BTW. This game reminds me of Devil May Cry which is NOT like a bad thing. It could get repetitive and you have to unlock skills. I suppose that makes it a bit more "fun". I did enjoy the sound track, but not the dubbing.

You look like a little angel here lol... I wish you didn't have the whole diarrhea thing going on again.

I didn't forget about you BOR!

Thursday, March 30, 2017


 Uni had pudding poop again. Man.. Smokey literally scared the shit out of Uni by injuring him. It is not good. Smokey will stay at the company more often now I guess. It is not healthy for both of them. I gave it a shot, but this isn't working out. Smokey grew up hunting and as a stray; therefore, it is not hard to see why Smokey is so mean to other cats. I really hope GIARDIA ISNT BACK. Fuck, this is like a nightmare.
This will be my first time going through the TSA Pre line, I was told it'd be quick and that I didn't have to take my shoes off. Yay. This will bring back memories.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Last week of March ALREADY

 Oh man... this was so delicious. The pineapple cake from Taiwan was slightly crunchy and I felt something chewy in the milk tea flavored chocolate. Yum yum yum!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Ici Ice Cream

Pretty clear with the iphone sometimes.

I ate so much this weekend!

I HATE PEEPS. They taste so gross to me.