Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Uni clean clean clean

I've been cleaning like a mother fucker, so these mother fucking giardia cysts won't reinfect him. FUCK. Okay, I have to express my frustration. Uni had a diarrhea earlier, and I have to keep a close eye on him to make sure he is NOT getting dehydrated.
I got a facial today and it hit me to put cucumbers on his eyes. LMAO.

Matching skirt with my son Uni!

Smokey's reaction to baths LMAO...
Uni on the left and Smokey on the right. I got this when I went to Japan in October. I am dying to travel again, but NO TIME!
Back scratcher for cats (In Peter Griffin tone) LMAO
<3 <3 <3

I love this "Pie no" series! They all taste really good.

I discovered some new flavors and had to get em' all.
I am a fair cat person. Bor Bor wasn't "bad", but she had a strong personality and could be a bit defiant with certain things. I had a dream about her last night, but she was clearly DEAD in it. I don't remember the details, but she's been DEAD in ALL the dreams I've had about her ever since she passed away. :( I cried again... I am such a cry baby. Bor Bor fought until her very very very last breath, she wasn't bad, but she just didn't like to be told what to do usually. I am willing to put up with all those things again if she would come back. * OBVIOUSLY THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN, BUT IF ONLY.. :( *


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