Sunday, March 5, 2017

Japanese cat & Zou

You amaze me everyday, you are SO good and sweet. I didn't expect this at all, since the vet put you on a bite quarantine. I thought Uni seemed nice when we interacted at the shelter for a few times.
He even let me put the cotton pad onto his beautiful eyes. I wanted to cry when I gave him his new giardia med today because he threw some of it back up. He is only 5 months old and has been taking med for 6 weeks straight! I have been giving him med twice a day for ringworm, upper respiratory infection, giardia and EYE INFECTION (every 2 - 4 hours each day for the first few and 4x a day for another week or so). I am not exhausted AT ALL, this baby needs me and I WILL NOT give up. It's been A SHIT LOAD of cleaning and money spent on tests and med. MAMA WILL NOT give up, it felt like it was love at first sight. I will not abandon you ever, that thought didn't even cross my mind. I read a lot of people wanting to give the cat back up after encountering similar experiences as me, I felt so bad as I was reading them. I know it takes a lot of patience to nurse them back to health especially with ringworm and giardia (who would've thought?). He is on his SECOND round of med for GIARDIA. I wish I could shrink and go into his system, then shoot them with a laser gun. LMAO. CHEESY IDEA, but tis' was a good laugh. This poor baby needs more TLC from me, that's all I know. MUAH MUAH MUAH!

Come to mama... <3

This shit cracked me up. It was a notice to Japanese buyers that the item was made in CHINA and that quality isn't going to be that great.
Thanks for grabbing me lunch again. I have been sick. Sick cat mama is taking care of her sick babies. Sick little family LMAO.


I needed the laugh, since everyone is pretty much sick in my fam bam. (MY cats and I) Laughing is seriously the best medicine sometimes aside from dayquil right now. :P

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