Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Cat treat paranormal?

I was hanging out with Jade and I smelled the stench of Bor Bor's favorite treats for a quick 2 seconds. I thought I was imagining things and didn't say anything. That stench of Bor Bor's treats was so pungent that it was engraved inside my head. I even put those treats in front of her ashes for 6 weeks straight and it had been a good 5 weeks since I threw out the last batch of treats that were put in front of her ashes. Jade then asked me if I smelled something funky that lasted a few seconds and I said OMG YOU SMELLED IT TOO? :o We looked around to see if any of the cats made some sort of mess or something, but NOTHING. In my head, I knew clearly what it was. The smell of Bor Bor's fav treats when she was alive. I even put them in front of her ashes after she passed away for about two months or so. That stench or scent only lasted a few seconds and NEVER came back. We BOTH smelled it or it was some sort of "weird" stench to Jade. I felt like maybe Bor Bor came back for that quick few seconds to check on me or that was Bor Bor's way of sending me a message. 

For those who have purchased this treat, you will know HOW PUNGENT it is. It is a scent that you'll never forget. It is a SOFT MOIST treat. This is a scent I'd never forget. I have been feeding it to Bor Bor since it was her FAV and I even two her remaining treats in front of her ashes for about two months. I've switched it out with new ones once during the two months. I don't know, a part of me says it was her way of telling me she was there. Whatever it is, it made me feel a bit better even though the scent was not pleasant. I just can't explain why the scent only lasted for a few seconds and NEVER came back.

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