Monday, September 11, 2017

New Yoga Venture

The instructor I have been going to is no longer going to teach, so I tried out a new instructor based on the reviews I read on YELP. I like and require adjustments whenever I practice yoga. I don't get the full benefits if my posture isn't right just like weight lifting. The new yoga place I found is very small with no mirrors. I simply wanted to try it because many said she doe adjustments. She does do adjustments, but minimal from my first class with her. It's better than none. It was a new experience practicing without mirrors and in a more confined room. I was sweating bullets and I actually found her class to be challenging. However, I would've wanted to hold the poses longer and work on flexibility more than just flying through challenging poses.

 I didn't let my hand injury stop me from practicing of course. SO ME!

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