Friday, September 29, 2017

Uni thanks.....

I fell into depression after Bor Bor passed away and I cried daily. My heart was aching daily and I swear I have not EVEN cried this much over anyone in my life. It was a first time for me, and I wanted to be strong for Bor. I realized so many little things after this whole experience and it really took time for me to feel slightly better. I wanted to celebrate Uni's birthday because I am truly thankful for him. He went through a lot of shit from the shelter I adopted him from. The transition was also really tough for me, but it slowly worked itself out. Thanks....

I've to admit. His vet bills were very expensive. That damn shelter only gave me DILUTED ringworm wash because they said the med was too expensive. He was also suffering from GIARDIA, so I said FUCK IT and took him to my own vet. I was surprised this person realized how much it takes from someone to truly love a pet. I will NEVER abandon my own pet no matter what...

 It was love at first sight because he reminded me of kitten Bor Bor.

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