Monday, September 18, 2017

Root Letter Review PS VITA

 You will always find cats in Japanese games lol

I give this game a 3.5 out of 5 for some of the "out of the box" endings. I was very intrigued by the story and I thought the "bad" endings were far more interesting than the normal ending. 5 endings are available based on your replies at the beginning of each chapter. You can move, investigate, ask, and think throughout the game. There is one good ending, one normal ending and three not so great endings. The answers from the characters throughout CH 1 - 8 will be consistent throughout each game play and everything (2 more chapters) after will depend on the answers you've chosen. Although I love happy endings, I wasn't as impressed by the normal endings because there wasn't anything surprising about it. I enjoyed this game and can't wait for more visual novels.

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