Sunday, August 30, 2015


I got through 4 chapters of this game. Having a maid on your team is such a life saver. I had to exit the damn dungeon frequently in order to make sure my TP and HP will be restored. I used to have to save after every single fucking battle, but I don't have to anymore after having a maid. THE CASTING time shit makes this game more challenging, yet annoying at the same time. GRRR... They don't teach you how to play or give you tips directly, but it takes form in a normal conversation between characters. Ha ha... how cute. Here are some pics from my gameplay so far!
 Those are mosquito bites. LOL!

 She is a maid. Isn't she adorable?!
 A cute monster. ;)
 Hahah.. the protagonist doing his job.

She is a monster btw!

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