Saturday, August 22, 2015

RPG Games I want

I am not too into Disgaea series. I think the Dragon Quest gameplay will be similar to Dynasty Warriors, but I will watch some gameplay videos to confirm that later. :P
 I have a habit of getting the same things if I like it. For example, I always only order spider roll and uni nigiri whenever I go out for sushi. LOL.
 Thai tea ice cream with Earl Grey macaron.
 Looks.... crazy. I want to try cooking it someday. :P
 I bought this and cooked it last night. It tasted so good.
 This would be good fried.. haha.
 The scallops tasted so fresh.
 Yoga relaxes my mind. I am pretty flexible naturally, so I don't feel much with normal stretches. I was able to get a deep stretch with the instructor's help. Haha, I cried out, "OHH MY GOOD THAT FELT SO GOOD" as she was adjusting my posture during my class. LOL, it felt sooo good. It takes time to find a good instructor you feel comfortable with and I think I've found mine.

Cute feet and pose.

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