Friday, October 9, 2015

Method ginger yuzuz cleaner review

I am listening to some of Jay Chou's old songs and it brings back a lot of memories. I am one of those people who don't understand the lyrics, but think it sounds good. Haha.. 

I remember hearing "you need to learn mandarin" nonstop when I was in Taiwan. Ahhh.. my sister seems to be fluent in it, since she took it in high school. I took Spanish instead lol, even though I'd say I am nowhere fluent. You don't become fluent unless you use it daily you feel me?! Haha.. :P

I can't believe she's been with me since junior high. 10 + years of memories together... What is mama going to do without you? :*( It hurts just thinking about it. Ahhhh.. let's think about something positive.

I started using this method ginger yuzu all purpose multi surface cleaner a few months ago and I love it. I've tried using Clorox's and Lysol's formulas, but they both had a strong chemical smell. It even gave me a headache at times even after diluting it with water. I didn't expect this "natural" one to do a good job at cleaning up grease, but it did!!!! I give this product a 5/5 and it's better for my cat. They've stronger senses than we do, so if it is strong enough to give me a headache.. imagine how our pets feel. Yucky
No one wants to be inhaling tons of chemicals! I've slowly switched over to natural cleaning products. I even tried washing my towels with white vinegar and baking soda recently. Haha.. I hand washed it once to test out its effects and it smelled surprisingly fresh. I don't know how "clean" my towels are on a microscopic level, but my towels smelled so fresh after and this method should increase your towel's absorbency! Try it out some time guys. :D 

" Vinegar (which contains acetic acid) breaks up water mineral deposits and dissolves buildup, and baking soda (which contains an alkali—sodium bicarbonate) neutralizes odors and dissolves dirt and grease."

Cool stuff right?

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