Sunday, October 4, 2015

Mid 20s and reminiscing

 Haha.. I didn't get a birthday cake because it's too much to eat!
 When I was 21... Time flies! I actually haven't partied hard ever since my first year in UC Davis.
 When I was 18 in Monterey.
 A random pic on my MAC with my brother's friend or roommate.
 With my dad's side and this was before my grandpa passed away when I was 16.
 I was enjoying the beautiful lights in Odaiba.
 Lingerie makes a girl happy

Rest in peace my dear... T___T 

I think a lot of things come with age and experience. I suddenly felt so old haha, but yeah.. "age ain't nothing but a number"! I was looking at some old pics because I was cleaning out my MAC before reformatting it. I am so thankful to have Bor, my mom, my sister and Jade. It may not look like it, Learning to appreciate the little things in life have made me a much more positive person. I don't feel that I am lying to myself in order to make myself happy, but it's a type of happiness that is irreplaceable. My neck feels so tight right now and it's probably from my horrible posture. Be back later. :P

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