Sunday, October 25, 2015

Smile Steph...

 Prepared dinner... I am still learning how to plate food.
 Halloween edition
 Sad Steph
 Happy Steph
Playasia has it already... LOL THE W = boobs! Omega Labyrinth! I wonder if it will get translated.

 OMG I WANT THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I really like "weird" things.
 I need this game :D This type of funky stuff makes me laugh lol.

Korean beef tacos

I want to thank everyone who's messaged me to check up on me. I appreciate the kindness, I can't explain how thankful I truly am. Sometimes it's hard to talk to people I know in my life because most people simply to have things to gossip about. Not everything gets back to me, but I know a fair amount of people who enjoy spreading false rumors and gossip over fabricated stories. I know this isn't high school, which is why I normally keep things to myself or write about it on this blog. An unfortunate event has happened to me. I have been a victim of deception, but I can't write out the details. I felt so terrible and crappy about the whole thing, since I don't trust people easily. It's a terrible feeling when you feel like someone has exploited your trust. It feels good to vent and it is also healthy to vent. However it is really important to find the right person to vent to. Do you know what I mean?! I don't want to go too much into it, but I want to stay as positive as possible.

Someone please make me laugh XD
It also comes with confidence. (Don't get it mixed it up with being cocky haha)

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