Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Keeping that balance...

 Sometimes life makes it hard to maintain that balance... That balance where you feel great and peaceful. I started reading this book a few days ago, it's been surprisingly interesting so far.
 Home made tomato soup with yam noodles for Bor Bor
This hand soap kind of smells like raw honey 

I am so sleepy right now.. well, I should be! Good night!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Grown and sexy... emo day

 Baby Bor Bor! She wasn't adopted! We found her in the backyard when she was only a few days old!

 How could you not like Ayane? I WANT TO COSPLAY AYANE!
This was delicious! I like rum raisin. XP

I didn't expect it to hurt so bad, but it did. Sometimes I don't get why I get so upset over trivia things. I simply wanted to have a place I could call home, since I never had one. I wish I grew up with loving parents on the negative side (I need to stop being so emo!), but it's caused me to be more independent on the bright side. I would always celebrate every little thing with my cat ever since I moved out because it makes me feel like this is my own family. A family that I have created for myself, even though chairs are empty and my family members refuse to be a part of my own parties. Family is important to me... you guys are important to me.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Fatal Frame V

I have always been a fan of horror games and I have played the PS 2 version of this series. I am currently watching the "Fatal Frame V" game play on youtube. This shit still creeps me out, even though I am not playing. The stories are all pretty similar, the whole sacrifice and maiden crap. However, the main protagonists are always so adorable hahah. AYANE will be featured in the bonus chapter lol. Who doesn't like Ayane from DOA?!

I want to cosplay as AYANE someday... someday... HAHAHAAH XD

Xmas wishlist

 Steph Curry Jersey
PS 4 camera for streaming
Rimowa luggage

First time

I have not talked to my dad for longer than 5 minutes in my life. No joke. I was forced to be on the phone with him for an hour because of work. It was a first in my life..... I felt awkward about it. He has not visited me on his own after I moved out unless he was with my mom or something. I thought I'd blog about this experience, since it was a first. Hhah.

Friday, November 20, 2015

My sister's hand painted gift

 My sister molded a purse and hand painted this for me!


 A gift from my mom

 My fav

She gave my character a pink purse

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Star wars craze! A lot of photos....

 So beautiful...
 I am a sucker for LIMITED EDITION things lol
 Sounds delicious!

 I wonder if it's any good!
 The peppermint was pretty good,  but cookie dough was too sweet!

 I have to admit.. I am a fan of peppermint ;P

 Should I make my own pumpkin pie?

 My temporary work station!

 I made soba with grilled meat. I really liked it!
 New hand soap to try and they were on sale!