Saturday, November 14, 2015


The whole Paris attack incident is terrifying, since Paris is a popular tourist spot and populated place.  I cannot imagine what it would be like or feel like to be a part of this tragedy. I wish there was a super hero in this world who could just send those people to space. I purposely didn't use the word "kill". A super hero who would help out the innocent who can't fight against these sickos. I guess some people get satisfaction from killing the innocent and the act of doing so makes them feel powerful.  I truly wish it was that simple, but there's so much more involved in fighting crime and politics. T___T RIP to those victims.

 Home made hard shell taco lol
Bor bor says Hi!!!!!

Stay strong....

I might start on "Stein's Gate" soon. I have been streaming my "The Last of Us" game play. Catch it on TWITCH!

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