Sunday, November 15, 2015

Heal the world by MJ

I read people posting comments like  "you should pray for the world and not just Paris", and they were not directed at me btw. Many unreported deaths occur around the world every minute or maybe second. Note: I have not read the statistics. Sure, no one wants innocent people to die daily, but I have to admit... I have not read other news related to the recent tragedies in other countries other than Paris. It is not because I am being ignorant, but Paris has gotten the most media coverage recently and I don't have a habit of reading global news. I feel like I shouldn't say pray for the world if I have no knowledge of what's happening globally; however, I would say it if I had knowledge of the tragedies around the world. My point is... not everyone is up to date with the global news especially when the recent Paris attack has gotten a lot of coverage and it is not like I am trying to oblivious to turmoils around the world. I want to say things I mean or I know about, and not because it's "trending". After reading up on more news and not just the mainstream ones, I can say yes... I truly wish for world peace. Even though, it does seem implausible during my lifetime. Sure, it is easy to type "Heal this or that" or "Pray for this" in order to get LIKES, but what is the point if you don't mean it especially in this virtual world. That's just coming from my perspective.

I love Michael Jackson... :P

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