Sunday, March 25, 2018

Tempered Deviljho Tips

1.) Equip decorations that give you HEALTH and STUN resistance
2.) Use pitfalls! He will be stuck there A LOT longer than the shock trap. If he is caught in it while holding onto Jagra in his mouth, he will drop Jagra!
3.) Flash works, but you have to aim it right at his face! Use it to stun him if someone is in danger for example
4.) Use MAX POTIONS if needed. Don't even save them!
5.) Roll backwards when he does his breath flare *Watch your health!*
6.) Don't stand in front of his mouth whenever he is caught in the PITFALL!!!!
7.) Dung pod him to OTHER locations where you have more space!!! If you find a location too small, DON'T fight him there!
8.) UTILIZE the environment by getting him stuck in traps or having rocks fall on him! The rocks do 1k damage
9.) Watch your time. 50 minutes only.
10.) Use poison bombs if you can or bombs!

These are just tips I came up with after fighting him a few times. I was able to beat this with my cousin. Just us two! It took us 47 out of 50 minutes. It was a very close call.

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