Thursday, July 2, 2015

Epilator story: Panasonic Soie Review

 The story starts here... I always get a few beauty gadgets from Japan because they're usually super cute and they have some cool features that I won't be able to get in the US. I was immediately drawn by its color and the fact that it comes with many functions. You could use it to exfoliate your body too! Cool right? I was in a rush because I was running short on time and I misread the price to be 20 bucks USD. It turned out to be 200 bucks when I checked out, and I was like WTF.. whatever I am in a rush and this is a Japan only product. I believe this is the latest model for this line. I showed my friend this epilator, and she said I shouldn't have bought it because it hurts like a motherfucker to use. I didn't think too much of it because I mean how badly could this little machine hurt!? Women go through many weird or painful things for beauty.. hahaha. Okay, I charged it up as soon as I got home because I was so anxious to see how "painful" it could be. HOLY SHIT.... it seriously hurt like a mother fucker. EACH PIECE OF HAIR IS LITERALLY BEING PLUCKED OUT BY THIS MACHINE. O__________O;;;; I read the instruction manual and it did mention the pain level varies for each person. Lol, well... I am not going to let this 200 bucks go to waste, so I sucked it up and used it over the next few days. Fortunately... I slowly got used to the pain lol and I tried out the tips the manual suggested.

"An epilator is an electrical device used to remove hair by mechanically grasping multiple hairs simultaneously and pulling them out. The way in which epilators pull out hair is similar to waxing, although unlike waxing, they do not remove cells from the epithelium of the epidermis. Aside from the spring in early spring-type epilators, there are no parts in epilators that require regular replacement." - Thanks wikipedia.

I actually enjoy using this more than a razor because I don't get the weird bumps and irritation. I am glad I purchased this little gadget lol aside from the pain it's inflicted upon me. O la la my skin is also softer.


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