Saturday, February 6, 2016

Being sick in Japan

 You will have to know some Japanese in order to get OTC med. I had a sore throat on my 3rd day there. Yikes... It sucked!

 EVE was for headaches...
 For backaches.
 Green is meant for morning while the dark blue one is meant to be used before you sleep. Is it really necessary to have two different kinds? Haha...

 The med I went with and they felt a lot more mild than DAYQUIL.

 I got a free gift after spending a certain amount at a store. This is very common in Japan, they usually give you free cookies, tea or some kind of useful thing as a gift if you spend over a certain amount at their store.
 My shinkansen ticket to Osaka
 Mocha milk tea with melon pan!
Starbucks matcha tea latte with chocolate tasted delicious! It was almost like green tea chocolate milk.

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