Thursday, February 4, 2016

Japan adventures and life

Like most adults, life can get pretty hectic and stressful. I read positive quotes daily to remind myself to stay positive and watch cat videos. I truly enjoy the weird inventions from Japan because it is quite refreshing haha. I want to be able to appreciate the little things in life that I often overlook daily. (In Steph's ideal world) I want to have goals and find new challenges to keep myself going in life.

These damn machines really eat your money up, but it's pretty fun! Yeah and they know it!

 A mini booth for two people to barbecue

 Ultra man campaign going on for Family mart

 Marie is my favorite!

 These things are useless, but makes me happy whenever I see them! LOL.

 HAHA.. LOVE how the  boobs are like flattened slightly already! ;D

 Super Sonico is adorable!

Really wanted to try this place. Line was long as fuck, I wasn't gonna wait 30-40 mins out in the cold! Fuck that... -___________-;;; It was hella cold!
 My favorite store lol I love Isetan

 Is that Bor bor?!
Burnt caramel with some kind of chocolate. Yum!

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