Thursday, May 11, 2017

Love at first sight

 I met him at the shelter on my way to the Warriors game in January. While driving there, my sister called me to tell me about these two kittens she saw online. One was called SOPIKO and the other was called SAVA. The shelter was FILTHY and smelled like SHIT when I got there. I was pretty grossed out by the conditions and stench, but it didn't stop me from walking around. They had more than 40 cats in there and they weren't individually caged like most shelters. I went through a lot of shit from the founder of the shelter because she was being super rude and unreasonable. *You can check my old posts or if you've been following me* I didn't want to give up on "SAVA" aka UNI! It took me 3 months to nurse him back to health and with all negative results. RINGWORM, GIARDIA *TWO ROUNDS OF MED*, UPPER RESPIRATORY INFECTION AND EYE INFECTION. THEY WERE ALL CONTRACTED by this fucking filthy shelter. It's cool to save animals, but they're suffering and I was told they don't get treated until they have a chance of being adopted. Anyway... I am so happy with Uni. It was truly love at first sight. I am thankful for him and Bor passed him the torch. He keeps me company daily, even though he is super playful and loud. LOL... he is the cutest thing ever.
 I was attracted by his looks initially. He reminded me of a kitten version of BOR BOR!
 He's gotten a bit darker!
He is so cute.. he likes to tap me with his soft paws! LOL.

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