Saturday, May 5, 2018

Ginza 6 + Appts

 I was so jet lagged that day! I also had 3 appointments packed into one day! It was a bit insane. It started with an early hair appointment at 10:30AM! It didn't finish until 1:30PM ish.
Beauty is pain... and pain for my glutes.

 I decided to grab lunch here quickly after and go to my next appointment at 3PM. I looked at the time and it was 1:38PM. I said fuck it after seeing the line and insisted on eating here!!! I figured I'd just take the cab if needed.
 Who could resist. Hahahaha... the strawberries weren't so sweet thankfully. The matcha flavor was really good.

 Their house blend. I didn't have time to buy their to go items!
 This was pretty good. The broth had a little bit of sweetness.

 So delicious. A bit expensive, 2400yen for a parfait, but it was worth it. Look up this brand, they're a quite famous brand!
I needed to catch a cab to run to my next appointment. I finished the parfait within 5 minutes, yes I timed it. I didn't have a problem eating this quickly while trying to look proper! Hhaha.. 
 To my dermatologist appointment. The face treatments are surprisingly expensive! I had my nail appointment at 5:30PM!

 Fuji san is AMAZING!

It looks like it was printed onto my nail, BUT IT WASN'T! This took 3 + hours and $120 ish. Getting my nails done in the US is around the same price, but the work is NOWHERE as good as this. I sat probably 8 hours altogether today. That's probably a typical routine for girls in Tokyo. I had to stretch my lower back after this!!!!! Nails finished around 8:45PM.

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